이 블로그 검색

2013년 6월 26일 수요일

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Exposure to antipsychotic medications,
Abrupt withdrawal of dopaminergic drugs, and
Structural brain abnormality.

Altered mental status (confusion, psychosis, delirium)
Muscle rigidity (lead pipe or generalized hypertonia)
Hypertension, hypotension, tachycardia
Diaphoresis, sialorrhoea, urinary incontinence

{mem tip
머리가 굳고 (altered mental status)
몸이 굳는다 (rigidity)
몸이 굳어 혈압 상승. 몸이 굳어 열이남.
여러군데서 물이 샘 (diaphresis - 땀, sialorrhea - 침, urinary continence - 오줌)

elevated CK (>500 units/L)
Other metabolic panel often normal.

Stop antipsychotic, dopaminergic antagonist. Restart/continue dopamine agonist.
rhabdomyolysis - vigorous hydration with IV fluid
Hyperthemia - paracetamol / ibprofen

dantrolene(controversial, may prolong clinical recovery) 1mg/kg IVI once. (over 1 hr)

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